3 Questions With...Mike Gustafson of Atlas Academy
To learn more about Mike and how he can help you go to https://atlas-academy.org/
Michael and Iara Gustafson started Atlas Academy in September of 2018 (then known as Dracut Children’s House) for their son Kash, who was one-and-a-half at the time.
Prior to that, Michael was a Kindergarten teacher for four years in Dracut. During his time there, he earned a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education, and he tutored students on the side in all grades up through high school.
One day, in June of 2018, Michael submitted his resignation letter to his principal, and drove down the street to sign a lease with the building owner at 112 Sladen St. in Dracut.
It was a big leap, but Michael and Iara were willing to risk it all to build a school for their son.
They started in an empty building with no students; and now they are in their third year with 4 classrooms and over 60 students ranging from toddler up through 3rd grade.
Looking forward, they will continue to grow and add grades each year up through high school.
Dr. Jodie MacDonald of Nature's Way Holistic Health with be holding the following classes for the remainder of 2021 beginning on July 15th. Please call 978-476-1184 to Pre-Register as space is limited to 5 per class!
Dr. Jodie MacDonald Ph.D. HHP. HLC. CNC.CMH.CEW
Nature's way is here to promote health and wellness and to provide education about your specific health needs. Connecting mind and body for better health.
15th Breath workshop 6-7:30 $20
12th Creative Minds Meditation Adult 5:30-7 $25
17th Kitchen Pharmacy 5:30-7 $ 20
19th Breath workshop 6-7:30 $20
25th Donna Eden energy 5:30-6:30 $25
15th Intro to Access Bars 6-7 $25
16th Breath workshop 6-7:30 $20
22nd intro EFT 6-8 $ 25
13th Intro Quantum Healing 6-7:30 $20
14th Breath workshop 6-7:30 $20
20th Crystals/Grids 5;30-6:30 $25
23th Reiki I 10-2 $125
4th Why Detox 6-7:30 $25
River Hawk Racing is a student-run organization functioning at UMass Lowell. We strive to create a Formula-style race car to compete in official competitions hosted by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Internationally. SAE events are highly competitive, with an average of 120 colleges attending from around the world.